I grew up with dogs. But Chris grew up with cleanliness. So when the boys pleaded for a dog, the answer was No. Too dirty. No one will take care of it. So the first thing we got, in a long line of critters you don’t want to cuddle with, was a lizard. Greenie, the green anole, a critter you don’t debate over whether or not he should be able to sleep in your bed.
Greenie got lonely, naturally; so along came Natalie. We fed Greenie and Natalie live crickets. Crickets smell. You wouldn’t think little, jumping bugs would smell so strongly - would you? Weekly we would watch the Petsmart guy catch the crickets out of an aquarium kind of thing with a net, put them into a plastic bag (after 15 or so were counted out) and then blow into the bag to fill with air for the crickets to breathe (disturbing to watch)…. until we got them home. Once home, we dumped the crickets into the anole habitat (sounds more interesting than it is). At which time half those crickets would escape. They jump fast. Later, we would get to hear crickets chirping under the couch for days. They are very good at hiding. And they smell worse when dead.
After 800 trips to Petsmart the kids didn’t want to go anymore. Which reinforced Chris’ prediction that no one would take care of the “pet”. But I tried to ignore that and carry on. Good mom. Life lessons and all that stuff…. I suggested we go to the empty lots by our house and collect our own crickets. There were a million crickets over there!! Free!! And no employee blowing air into a bag full of jumping crickets! The boys loved this idea. We set out with a box, some butterfly nets and determination. And came home with fresh crickets. They were a teeny bit bigger than your average Petsmart cricket. Being good Americans we naturally thought bigger is better.
Until one really fat cricket got caught in Greenie’s mouth. Half in, half out. Shane - the only one of us who would touch Greenie - tried to pull that fat, juicy cricket out. Half came out. The rest remained lodged in Greenie’s throat. It should be noted that Natalie didn’t care one bit about what was going on and escaped the open habitat while we were tending to Greenie. She, too, was very good at hiding. We believed she went under the couch with the dead crickets but the kids were screaming not to move the couch lest she be squished.
Natalie remained lost for several days in which I slept poorly - thinking a green anole would be crawling over me in my bed. And poor Greenie slowly grew weaker and weaker. It was one of those situations where, as a parent, you have no idea what to do. But you sure as hell know what you want to do. Chris stepped up to the plate. One day - when the joy of Natalie being found and secured in the habitat was making everyone happy - Chris announced that Greenie had passed and he would take him outside to bury.
Actually - Greenie was not dead yet. But we felt so bad for him and Chris thought best to put him out of his misery.
“I’ll take him outside and hit him over the head and bury him.” Chris told me.
I’m not sure exactly why I left the kids - for just a second - but when I came back into the room they were lined up at the window, hands on the glass, crying. Watching Chris hit Greenie outside with a yellow whiffle ball bat. The plastic bat was not the way to go.
That was the end of lizards. Natalie went to live with a friend of Dillon’s. When we delivered her and the habitat to his friend, we brought a fresh bag of crickets from Petsmart.
home run maggie dear! another fun family story... here are all the reactions i had while reading this...
.... 🤗🐊🐊😮😝😬🏏😩☺️🐊.... how did natalie do with her new family? thanks again ! xoxo
I RARELY laugh out loud…but the image of Chris with a yellow bat was too much for me! Thank you, Maggie, for the gift of writing …and laughter—during this busy holiday season-